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Upcoming Tournaments Dashboard

Professional preparation for gaming tournaments. The Dashboard show relevant information about each tournament, search option, filtering and option to add to training plan option


Designing a product to easily view and manage upcoming gaming tournaments and add them to the user's training plan

Target Audience


Build a powerful informative dashboard to allow gamers to view and manage their tournament schedule and training plans

PC gamers, ages 10-30

Data Structure


Each tournament has unique relevant information that needs to be presented to the user in a intuitive approach:

Tournament Name

Date and Time


Color Scheme

The color for this design had to be gaming related with a clear color scheme of selected/unselected





01 Tournament items


Each tournament has its own container that is minimizable and expandable.

For each tournament the user can see essential details like:

Date, Tournament Name, Description, Region, and Platform/s


Each tournament has a relevant image to help the user separate different tournaments and get him/her into the spirit


Each tournament item can be minimized to help the user navigate between the different tournaments faster.

02 Filter options


The user can filter out his desired tournament using either the Search Bar, the Calendar (which highlights the dates with the tournaments), and the Region Buttons

03 Add to Plan

The user can press the button

Add to my plan.png

to add the tournament to his/hers training plan and get the right custom training plan

04 Get notified

The user will have a banner in the training plan, with a countdown toward his/her next tournament

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