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CRM Sales Pipeline Dashboard

Product initiative with the goal of building a dashboard that will give CRM’s clients (C-suite executives and directors of Sales) visibility into their B2B Sales pipeline in each quarter.


Designing a product to easily view and manage B2B Sales Pipeline

Target Audience


Build an informative, powerful system to manage and grow a company’s B2B sales pipeline

C-suites Executives, Leadership Positions, Directors of Sales

Data Structure

Pipeline Stages

Each opportunity can go through 5 stages in the pipeline, each stage is defined by a percentage value:

Lead Created 50%

Reach out 70%

Verbal Agreement 90%

Win 100% / Lose 0%

Color Scheme

Instead of working with a percentage system, we can work with a more intuitive color scheme approach, which is easy to understand and makes the mind go less cluttered by the information.



01 Current Cycle Stages

Cycle Revenue.png

Color guided indication of current value/no. of opportunities in each stage of the pipeline

02 Quarter Overviews and Estimated Revenue


Get a better understanding of the current state using:

•Percentage increase/decrease

•Figurative data interpretation

03 Clients Overview and Management

Opportunities Screen.png

A clear intuitive approach to tableting the data, allowing for easy management and editing capabilities using sort, search, and filter options.

04 Customization- GRID based system


Each element can be resized and readjusted to allow the user to customize its dashboard screen

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